
Survey on GOAT 3.0 - Join in!

You live in Germany and would like to support a scientific project in favor of pedestrian and bicycle oriented planning? Then take part in our 10-minute survey.
Sophie Meining
March 24, 2022
Survey on GOAT 3.0 - Join in!

Call for contribution

You live in Germany and would like to support a scientific project in favor of pedestrian and bicycle oriented planning? Then take part in our 10-minute survey and help to better plan sustainable mobility. You can also win something.

The GOAT 3.0 project

The survey is part of the 3-year project GOAT 3.0, that is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport as part of the mFUND innovation initiative. The aim of the project is to extend the already existing functions of the web-based planning tool GOAT in a co-creative development process. For this purpose, new accessibility indicators will be developed.

GOAT 3.0 will enable analyses with additional modes of transportation and to new destinations, import additional data and expand the visualization options. To this end, we have already worked very closely with our project partners - the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the Leibniz Institute for Ecological and Regional Development Dresden (IÖR), Prof. Schaller UmweltConsult GmbH (PSU) and Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH (MVV) - over the past few months.

GOAT 3.0 is supplemented by the following functions, among others:

Accessibility analyses for public transport, the car, as well as for on-demand offers and intermodal route chains (B+R, P+R).

  • Development of a 15-minute city indicator
  • Planning of green and open spaces
  • Integration of additional spatial data sets and smart visualization
  • Analysis of services of general interest

More information about GOAT 3.0:

Collage including two people biking, a tram, a street view of a German old town, and citizens picnicing in a park at a table

Get involved!

We are now conducting a nationwide survey as a basis for developing the new indicators: You can help make urban and transportation planning more sustainable in the future!

The survey revolves around the accessibility of everyday destinations, supermarkets, work or schools, as well as the attractiveness of cycling and walking. Based on the results, we develop and calibrate the new GOAT indicators. In more than 20 test and application workshops, these are used and intensively tested for real planning issues together with our practical partners (City of Fürstenfeldbruck, City of Freising, City of Munich, City of Bonn, County of Munich, Metropolitan Region Rhine-Neckar and many more).

Your input helps us to improve the transport and spatial planning indicators of the open source tool GOAT for different regions in Germany as well as to develop new indicators for the 15-minute city and for public services. In this way, we can support planners in the evaluation and development of livable spaces.

Please join us at the following link:

Thank you for your support!

About mFUND by BMDV

As part of the mFUND innovation initiative, the BMDV has been funding data-based research and development projects for digital and connected mobility 4.0 since 2016. Project funding is supplemented by active professional networking between stakeholders from politics, business, administration and research and by making open data available on the mCLOUD portal. For more information, visit

People on bicycles
People on bicycles

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